Cabot School Board Redistricting Process
March 16, 2022

Cabot Public Schools is undergoing a school board redistricting process. Following the release of the 2020 Census data, the district will transition to a zoned school board.
Arkansas Code Annotated 6-13-631 requires zoning of school boards if a school district has a 10% or greater minority population and sets forth the procedures on establishing a zoned board.
This new process requires board members to reside within the zone from which they are elected. Previously, board members could live anywhere in the district.
The district hired an independent company, EFS GeoTechnologies, to review the Census data and develop zones.
In complying with state statute, the Cabot School Board passed a resolution choosing to elect members of the board from five (5) single-member zones and two (2) at-large positions. The at-large positions were determined by drawing lots from among the current board members.
At-Large, Position 1 - Sarah Owen
At-Large, Position 2 - Corey Williams
According to the Arkansas School Boards Association (ASBA), at-large positions are not required to run for reelection in November 2022 since they were previously elected at-large.
The five newly zoned positions will be on the November 8, 2022, ballot. All current board members are eligible to run in the zone in which they currently reside:
Kevin Tipton - Zone 1
Dr. James Hertzog - Zone 2
Joe Trusty - Zone 3
Pam Clem - Zone 4
Marvin Jones - Zone 5
Following the election and the first meeting of the new Cabot School Board, all seven board members will draw lots to stagger terms so that no more than two board members are elected in any given year and at least one person is elected each year.
April 2021
*EFS GeoTechnologies was hired to review the released data and draw zones for the Cabot School District based on the 2020 Census data.
July 2021
*The Cabot School Board passed a resolution stating its intent to hold the 2022 school board elections during the general election in November.
February 2022
*The district received two options for maps from EFS GeoTechnologies for consideration. The maps were provided to board members for their review.
March 2022
*The board voted to approve having five (5) zoned and two (2) at-large positions, and they selected option 1 on the maps developed by EFS GeoTechnologies.
*Board members drew lots individually at the Central Administrative Office over the course of several days.
*Submit option 1 maps to the Lonoke County Election Commission for approval.
April 2022
*Lonoke County Election Commission certifies new school board zones. Approved maps and data has been submitted to the Lonoke County Clerk, Arkansas Secretary of State, and Geographic Information Systems Office.
November 2022
*School board election, Zones 1-5 – Tuesday, November 8.
*Post election – All seven school board members will draw for terms.