Cabot Public Schools
Employment Opportunities
With an enrollment over 10,000 students, and one of the fastest growing districts in Arkansas, we believe in providing the highest quality education for "Every Child, in Every Classroom, Every Day!"
Our district works diligently to create a culture of excellence within our hiring practices and we look forward to having the opportunity to consider you for future employment!
Substitute Information
Teach Cabot Our Mission!
To recruit, develop and maintain outstanding employees committed to educational excellence.
Contact Human Resources:
Sherri Jennings, Director of Recruitment, Retention, and Development (HR) - 501.843.3363 Ext. 1038 Email Me
Linda Leiby, Administrative Assistant to the Director of Recruitment, Retention, and Development - 501.843.3363 Ext. 1019 Email Me
Shawn Nyer, Administrative Assistant to the Director of Recruitment, Retention, and Development- 501.843.3363 Ext. 1005 Email Me
Department Fax: 501.941.2610
District Policies FMLA Information
With an enrollment over 10,000 students, and one of the fastest growing districts in Arkansas, we believe in providing the highest quality education for "Every Child, in Every Classroom, Every Day!"
Our district works diligently to create a culture of excellence within our hiring practices and we look forward to having the opportunity to consider you for future employment!
Essential functions of the Personnel Department include:
- Staffing/Recruitment/Hiring (Board Approved Personnel)
- Licensure/Certification/Renewals
- Manage and Maintain the Online Application System
- Mentoring/Internship
- Personnel File Management
- Employee Recognition
- Background Checks and Fingerprinting
- Long Term Substitute Teachers (w/Kelly Services)
- Liaison to Kelly Services for Substitute Issues. For more information on substituting, please visit www.kellyeducationalstaffing.us.
- Code of Ethics
- NBCT (National Board Certified Teachers)
- AQT (Arkansas Qualified Teacher)
- FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act)
- Employee Leave Management
- Supplemental Salary Stipends
- Personnel Policy Committee and Classified Personnel Policy Team
- Employment/Professional Development Verification
If you are asked:
- If you are asked to provide proof of release from your previous employment, Click Here for the Release From Employment form.
- If you have been asked to provide or would like to provide evidence of your certified experience, Click Here for the Certified Experience Verification Form.
- If you have been asked to provide documentation of your Professional Development hours, please Click Here for the Documentation of Professional Development Form. Once you have printed and completed this form, email to certified@cps.k12.ar.us or fax to (501) 941-2610.
Cabot Public Schools is an equal opportunity employer. No qualified person shall be denied employment, reemployment, or advancement, nor shall be evaluated on basis of sex, marital status, religion, race, color, creed, national origin, age, handicapping conditions or genetic information. A handicapping condition is defined as being a physical or mental handicap unrelated to one's ability to perform the duties of the particular job or position for which the teacher would otherwise be eligible and qualified.