Central 4th Grader’s Patriotic Message
January 26, 2018

Grace Hammer is a 4th grader at Central Elementary. Every Friday, she wears a strong message, a child-sized Air Force uniform. Underneath, she wears a shirt with the words “RED,” which stands for “Remember Everyone Deployed." Grace is doing just that.
Grace comes from a military family. Recently, her family friend Senior Airman Guy Herro, yes it's pronounced “hero,” was deployed to Afghanistan. Senior Airman Herro and Grace's dad are best friends from the service and he's become a big part of their family. To help cope being apart, Grace's mom came up with the idea of wearing an Air Force uniform to show her support and help count down the days until he returns.
By wearing the uniform, she's also sharing an important message with her school and classmates. Grace wants to make sure everyone remembers and never forgets our military heroes.
Grace was recently able to facetime Airman Herro. He shared he was so honored and proud of Grace. He hopes to return back to Arkansas in about four months. Grace's brother attends Cabot Junior High South and he wears the “RED” shirt every Friday as well.
Central Elementary Principal Bethany Hill says Grace is her hero. Read more HERE.